The Original


Antique Lamps

Lamps from around the world

If you have any enquiries regarding any antique oil or kerosene lamps, please contact us by email, phone or post. Or simply complete the form.

Details are on the contact page.

We Mail Order anywhere in Australia and around the world.




Standard TopBraidwood, the First Heritage Listed town in New South Wales is home to

the original lamp shop2

The business started in 1989 as a antique and collectable shop. It has grown to become the most unique oil and kerosene lamp supplier in Australia.

The Lamp Shop offers to the discerned collector, the avid enthusiast or lamp lover or the person who is looking for something different, a collection of hundreds of antique oil & kerosene lamps from around the world.

The Shop also carries a range of replacement parts, chimneys, shades and lamp oils as well as provides repairs.

Miroxol Australia

The Shop includes the sole Australian Distributor of Miroxol Metal Polish (available to trade, bulk buy and retail) unsurpassed for polishing chrome, aluminum, silver, brass, copper, stainless steel, nickel, tin or pewter without abrading or damaging the surface. 

Your link to Miroxol Australia - order your brilliant metal polish now!